
class ParseResult(    var offset: Int,     var length: Int,     styleKeys: List<String>?)

The parser parsed result.

This class include the information needed to highlight the syntax. Information includes where the content located in the document (offset and length) and what style(s) should be applied on that segment of content.


Chan Wai Shing>


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fun ParseResult(    offset: Int,     length: Int,     styleKeys: List<String>?)


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fun addStyleKey(styleKey: String): Boolean

The style keys of the content.

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fun clearStyleKeys()

The style keys of the content.

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fun removeStyleKey(styleKey: String): Boolean

The style keys of the content.

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open override fun toString(): String



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var length: Int

The length of the content.

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var offset: Int

The start position of the content.

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val styleKeysString: String

Get the style keys represented by one string key, see Theme.getStylesAttributeSet.